The Irish News
We would like to make an appeal through your newspaper to the voters of Newry and Armagh. Our son Paul was murdered in an extremely brutal way by a masked gang in a cattle shed on October 20 2007.
Almost immediately after Sinn Fein's Conor Murphy, our MP, claimed that Paul was murdered as a result of some criminal feud. On the BBC's Spotlight programme November 13 2007 said: "Paul Quinn was involved in smuggling and criminality and I think everyone accepts that."
He provided nothing to back this up and we are certain that he has never provided any details of this to Gardai or the PSNI. He made similar claims on a number of other occasions but never put forward any evidence. The people who knew Paul best saw through Mr Murphy's claims and came to our assistance.
Conor Murphy has refused many requests from us to withdraw his slur but so far has ignored those requests.
Next to the loss of Paul nothing has caused us as much pain as the accusations glibly thrown around by our MP. He is our MP but we have no knowledge of him ever enquiring from either police force how the investigation was going. We believe that the MP's allegations may have hindered the efforts to charge Paul's killers.
We want to appeal to the voters for help. In the coming weeks Mr Murphy or his canvassers will be knocking on doors seeking support. We would like the voters to put three simple questions to him or the canvassers:
- Why did Conor Murphy make these accusations against our son?
- Why has he not brought any information to the authorities?
- Why has he not withdrawn his allegations?
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